Kuny AG

Benkenstrasse 39
5024 Küttigen


Phone: +41 (0) 62 839 91 91
E-Mail: info[at]

Value added tax

VAT-Nr.: CHE-101.227.417 for Switzerland
VAT-Nr.: DE151422076 for Germany
Register-Nr.: 250 457

Managing Director: René Lenzin
Responsible for the website content: René Lenzin

The Copyright for all text, pdf-files and graphic elements belongs to KUNY AG and is protected (by copyright). To link to these pages as well as to quote information is permitted subject to indicating the source (“Source/Copyright: Kuny AG, Ribbon Manufacturer –”).

Copyright Fastening Systems:

Liability Exclusion

All the information in this website was prepared with great care. Nevertheless we cannot be hold responsible for possible damage of any kind which occur in connection with the use of the information provided.

Liability Note

Despite careful verification with regard to contents, we cannot accept any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of these websites are responsible exclusively.